An Amazing Space to Play
Beth: So we had our first Potting
Shed Creative Retreat, how did you find it? Was it what you expected?
Sharon: It was amazing, I mean really something very special, but was it what I expected….mmm? I knew when we talked about doing these retreats that we had a great idea and I was looking forward to the weekend (though getting a bit nervous, like you always do before something important and new)….but I wasn’t quite sure how people attending would respond. So it really was wonderful, emotional and inspiring the way the participants got involved and shared their passions, experiences and feelings in the group. I think people opened up more than I’d expected and the group dynamic was fabulous.
The creativity was beautiful to see…I know we had a
few art therapists attending so they are bound to feel comfortable in the art
making and creating, but whatever modality and experience people just threw
themselves in. I guess the space felt safe enough for even the least artistically
minded to have a go and be playful….wow what a thing to witness.
All in all a great weekend, what will you take away
from it?
Beth: So many things really, I know I had such a lot to think about after the event, it was a very rich experience.
I think I’ll take always the amazing participation of
the people attending, there was something honest and open in the space we
created and I was so pleased to see how people felt safe to share personal
experiences and to relax into the group. As therapists we don’t always get the
opportunity to have reflective time with other therapists and I felt really
privileged to be part of this group experience.
Related to that, I think there was something for me
about the environment….not just the safe space we hoped to facilitate for the
group, but also the lovely room (which has a bit of an old school art room feel
about it) and the wider environment of Lea Green. Getting out in the grounds,
offering a space for people to wander, reflect on the environment and bring
some of that environment into the shared space. There was a contrast in this
relaxed and beautiful environment for many of us to the spaces we find
ourselves working in and we had time to think about being ‘trapped in boxes’
when at work. I know we have talked about more outdoor time for the June event…how
are plans shaping up for June?”
Sharon: June is looking great, when we started planning these events I remember us talking about making each weekend a stand alone weekend, but somehow threading them together. Stories immediately came to mind and we thought, yeah “Beginning, Middle & End’. So we had our Beginning – Spring and opening up creativity and now we are looking to the middle, the space where we hold the story. To relate that to therapy work this is the place where we hold and contain the therapeutic frame. You found that wonderful quote ‘you can’t see the frame if you are standing in the picture” and I think that’s how we came to look thinking about taking time to Step Out of the Frame!!
I’m looking forward to offering participants at this
next event the chance to do just that to step out of their frame, have a look
at all that they hold and maybe even put that down for a couple of days so they
can plan and revaluate how they are able to carry this often heavy work.
We all need space to play, be creative and reassess
where we are. I’m getting pretty excited about the next one, just a few weeks
away now!!
These Creative Retreats are great and petty immersive,
but will the Potting Shed just focus on creativity? What are the plans?
Beth: Creativity has been a fabulous place to start and I remember when we first talked about running these events we wanted to focus on just that Creativity and how to enable therapists and counsellors to have space to bring their own creativity into their work (and play)…as art therapists this should be second nature….but as we know finding the space & time to do this can be challenging. For those who are not art therapists it has been a wonderful opportunity to encourage participants to tap into their creativity and see where that takes them. We are all creative beings; we perhaps just convince ourselves that we are not ‘arty’ enough.
So Creativity was the starting point, but starting
points, like beginnings in therapy are where the story begins and not where it
ends. The Potting Shed is becoming a platform for Creative Retreats but also
other unique CPD opportunities, I know we are already talking about where 2019
might take us….it’s so exciting.
But for now we are fully focused on the June event: Stepping Out Of The Frame; an exploration
of resilience and containment 23 & 24 June 2018.
"It is difficult to see
the picture when you are inside the frame" Anon. While holding the frame for our clients
how can we best support ourselves? What does holding the frame mean and what
toll can it take? Come and join us in The Potting Shed for your space to play
and reflect.
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