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Please Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First

As we rise into the sky of our journey to becoming an Art Therapist, and wonder what turbulence might come our way, it is important to hold our own well-being in mind. 

As part of our role within the Potting Shed, we also offer our services to Universities and discuss the topic of self-care with trainees. We feel that instilling a concept that self-care isn’t an indulgence, but a mandatory part of the work we do, is just another tool in our toolbox. 

We underpin our lecture with both elements of neurology such as ‘flipping your lid’ by Daniel Sigal to how The Body Keeps The Score from Bessel Van Der Kolk. The lecture also explores the similarities and differences between Burnout, Vicarious Truama  and Compassion Fatigue. After offering a variety of theories and research, we invite participants to explore their own relationship with self-care historically, and what might be helpful to take forward to starting placement, graduation and beyond. 

Our hope is that we collectively are able to create a community of therapists that are able to keep in mind their own self-care needs, as well as those they care for. This will in turn offer a cohesive narrative that self-care is vital and requires constant maintenance. It is important to believe that you don’t need to set yourself on fire to keep those around you warm. 

So when in doubt, please remember to put your own oxygen mask on first before attending those of others. 



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